Czech Republic: Fighting Climate Change
The City of Prague uses smart maps to protect its citizens from rising temperatures.

Dozens of countries, thousands of customers, one geographic approach
Through mapping and location intelligence, Esri helps organizations unlock the power of data to create a stronger and more digitally connected Europe. With an in-depth understanding of the region, we are always pushing the boundaries of the science of geography in Europe. Our locally owned Esri offices help cities and governments, private businesses, utilities and transportation companies, educators, and almost all other industries innovate through GIS.
Esri technology supports the digital transformation of cities, utilities, and transportation.
GIS helps organizations store, process, and understand large amounts of data and connected devices.
Esri software harmonizes your spatial data infrastructure to comply with INSPIRE standards, and provides access to multi-spectral imagery from Sentinel-2.
Esri provides free software to all schools in Europe and around the world. Through science and technology, we help to shape the leaders of tomorrow.
Esri has been in Europe for more than 40 years. European-owned software companies in almost every country have decades of local experience, and three dedicated research centers are at the leading edge of innovation in Europe.
Thousands of European children and university researchers are using ArcGIS software, donated by Esri at no cost.
Esri supports nonprofit organizations in and outside Europe with our NPO Program.
At Esri we take your privacy very seriously and we are committed to GDPR compliance.
Esri has a presence and expertise in every country in Europe.